Your search returned 6 match(es)
Search results for
Newton Conover City Schools .
Click on the appropriate school to view its report card.
School |
Address |
City,Zip |
School Type/Calendar |
Grade Range |
Discovery High School |
301 West 18th St |
Newton , 28658 |
Regular School, Traditional Calendar |
9-12 |
Newton-Conover High |
338 W 15th Street |
Newton , 28658 2906 |
Regular School, Traditional Calendar |
9-12 |
Newton-Conover Middle |
873 Northern Dr NW |
Conover , 28613 6513 |
Regular School, Traditional Calendar |
6-8 |
North Newton Elementary |
221 West 26th St |
Newton , 28658 2927 |
Regular School, Traditional Calendar |
PK-5 |
Shuford Elementary |
810 Hunsucker Drive |
Conover , 28613 9499 |
Regular School, Traditional Calendar |
PK-5 |
South Newton Elementary |
306 West I Street |
Newton , 28658 3903 |
Regular School, Traditional Calendar |
PK-5 |