This table provides you with the percentage of district-wide student enrollments in two categories of specialized coursework:
High school students have the option to enroll in courses that provide instruction geared towards their post-graduate goals. Students who plan to attend college may choose to enroll in Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), or community college or university courses, which cover more advanced course material.
Students who plan to enter the workforce following high school graduation may choose to enroll in career and technical courses at their high school or community college, which provide training and skills for careers in areas such as auto mechanics or business management.
School districts have plans and policies for how they will address the specialized course needs of their students within the constraints of their budgets. Talk with central office administrators if you are interested in learning more about the special learning opportunities available to students in your district. If you have specific questions about the specialized courses available to your child, begin by speaking with your school's guidance counselor(s) or principal.
To see the last few years' performance in Career and Technical Education (CTE) of any school system, please visit the online Local Planning System (LPS) website. To review a school system's LPS, click on the log-on button in the left column. Then use the log-on and password "guest" to access specific school systems. Here you will find six performance indicators, each with a performance screen covering four years of trend information along with information on local strategies to improve performance.
For more technical information about these data and their sources, please see the Data Sources & Information Guide.