School size is the average number of students in membership in your district. The size of a school is important because it can influence a child's school experience. It also can determine the types of classes and extracurricular activities that a school is able to offer. Click on the triangle under this table to view demographic information about the students in this district. Here you'll find the number and percentage of students reported by gender and by racial and ethnic group.

This table and tables throughout the district Report Card categorize schools by the grade levels that they offer. Across the state, districts vary the way they split grade levels across schools.

Some districts use standard elementary (K-5), middle (6-8), and high (9-13) grade level groupings. Other districts - for reasons of space, numbers of students, or overall costs - have different grade combinations in their schools. For example, in North Carolina, you might find:

There are also some less common grade-level combinations, like: K-2, 4-5, 5-8, 6-11, and 10-12. Since schools are different depending on the age of the children they serve, whenever averages are provided, an attempt has been made to group schools with other schools "most like theirs." Throughout this Report Card, district and state averages frequently use the six grade level categories found in this table in order to provide you with the most accurate data for comparisons.

For additional information about how school grade levels are categorized and for technical information about school size data, see the Data Sources & Information Guide.

School Size-Additional Information

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